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Best Spring EVER at Bodacious!!!

by Apr 15, 2014Uncategorized

I have so much to share so you might want to grab a cuppa and get comfy…

Last week I had the great pleasure of attending the first ever Body Love Conference in Tucson, Arizona! lorna and tess munster body love conf 2014

It ROCKED MY WORLD!  I got to meet so many beautiful and inspiring women.  Read more about my experience here.

As the conference was only one day, I decided to stay a few extra days and play tourist.  Pool time! Road trip along the Catalina highway!  The Sonoran Desert Museum! So awesome and HOT!  My body loved getting drenched with that vitamin D.  I ate a LOT of  Mexican food and drank a few margaritas!  I took the time to catch up on my reading and journaling.  And I really just enjoyed some time on my own.  The last year and a bit has been wonderfully intense and it felt really good to just soak it all in and appreciate the journey. tucson desert
And how lovely to come back to such a beautiful SPRING in Vancouver!!!

The store is so full right now, we’ve actually just added two more racks to accommodate all the amazing new items that have been arriving daily.

Beautiful new Chalet LINEN and crinkle just arrived yesterday!  Loving this soft, washed linen and the colours are all so bright and fresh.

chalet crinkle chalet linen
chalet linen pant topThe complete Chloe Angus spring line is in the house!
This Modern Print skirt by Chloe Angus is an abstract interpretation of Haida art that combines the traditional form with modern abstract designs of the 21st century.
Available in black & orchid. Gorgeous!
Sizes medium – xxl
I have to say that the Chloe items were a huge part of my travel wardrobe.  The buttery soft bamboo/cotton blend works in all temperatures and wears so well.
There are several awesome new styles this season that will also be hanging in my closet including the tank dress, the gauchos and the cowl top.
The linen tank tops have already been flying out the door and the new colours of their famous button wraps are so lovely!  And all made right here in Vancouver!
chloe skirt and wrap
Our second order of the new line, Mellem has also arrived.  We are loving the romantic flavour of this label.  Some ladies have said it’s very Downton Abby:)mellem
Then, of course, we have the newest styles from Neon Buddha and Symplineon buddha jackets
And Joseph Ribkoff (I may already have a few of these pieces in my closet;)ribkoff dress and tunic

I will keep taking photos as we go and posting on our facebook page.  Please call us if you’d like us to ship to you.  We’re always happy to oblige.

Here are the deets…
Bodacious Retail Enthusiast Wanted
(Thursday, Friday & Saturday)
Do you…
– have a passion for fashion?
– have retail experience (plus-size fashion gets bonus points)?
– have key-holder experience?
– have a good sense of style and humour?
– love working with people?
– have strong organizational skills?
– want to work in one of the prettiest stores on Granville Island?
– celebrate all shapes and sizes?
Are you. . .
– available Thursday, Friday and Saturdays?

Then we want you!
It’s a great job with lots of perks! If you’re interested in the fashion/retail industry, we are a growing concern!
Please drop off your resume at the store between the hours of 10-11 am or 4-5 pm Saturday-Wednesday.
Check out our website at

Closing date for this position is April 18, 2014 (please spread the word)

It’s my birthday this Thursday and I’m turning a glorious 49!  Wow!
I’m so happy to be celebrating another year with you all and I’d like to share in the celebrations by offering all April birthdays 10% off their next purchase at Bodacious until the end of this month.  And this will start our official honouring of birthdays each month.  Mention this newsletter for your discount.

Happy Easter to YOU and Yours!  We are open all weekend from 10-6 to welcome you.
