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The Body Love Conference – LOVE was in the air!

by Apr 10, 2014Blog, Uncategorized

This past Saturday I attended the first ever Body Love Conference in Tucson, Arizona.  This event was the brainchild of Jes Baker aka The Militant Baker who I’ve been following on facebook for her body-love radical-ness for quite some time.

jes baker blc 2014

She and so many others are fighting the fight that should never have to be fought.  The fight for it to be ok to love our bodies TODAY – whatever size or shape, colour or orientation.  The fight that I started personally when I was 33 years old and decided that, screw the waiting!, I was going to get my belly button pierced and buy a bikini!  lorna and tess munster body love conf 2014

I’m 48 now!  There is a new wave of beautiful, radical warriors leading this battle and it’s awesome to watch.  The speakers at this event included The World Famous Bob, Sonya Renee Taylor – the founder of The Body is Not an Apology, Tess Munster , the founder of #effyourbeautystandards and a stunningly beautiful plus-size model and our very own Louise Green of the Body Exchange!

These ladies, and so many more, opened their hearts to share their very raw and personal stories to an audience of over 400 women (and a few men) who laughed, cried and gave standing ovations of support and acknowledged sisterhood!  It was a place of connection and healing for me.  It was my overwhelming a-ha of why I do what I do.

What do you see when you look in the mirror?  Try to look for your story – in your eyes. in the lines of your face. in your expression.  in the stretch marks that helped bring a baby into this world. in your gorgeous curves.  in the strength of your hands.  It’s so beautiful!
You are so beautiful!
Every single thing that has happened in your life has shaped you into the beautiful being that you are today! When I look at the laugh lines around my eyes, I’m so glad that I’ve had a life filled with joyful moments.  When I see the delicious wrinkles on my grandma’s 95 year old face – all I see is BEAUTY!

Hearing Jade Beall speak so passionately and share her photos in A Beautiful Body Project turned my world upside down!  She only sees beauty in all these bodies and in that, helps others to see it too!

Sharing who you are with the world – sharing all of our  stories unites us.
That’s what resonates and connects us all.

When Tess shared her amazing story of pain and then her spectacular triumph, I’m pretty sure there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.  I know my tears were freely flowing.

Every day I meet women who can’t see their own beauty.  Who are so quick to tell me about all their flaws.  All the rules of why they can’t wear certain things.

I tell them they are beautiful – because that’s what I see.

If you get a chance to attend next year’s Body Love conference, I highly recommend you GO!!!  Join in the celebration of YOU!lorna - body love conf 2014
