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From Zero to Zumba!

by Jan 31, 2012Uncategorized

I woke up this morning with the title in my head so I thought I’d go with it.  It’s a pretty accurate description of my January!
Apparently I took a good few months off of any kind of physical fitness (unless you count the 4 hour Wii dance-athons over the holidays that would usually include a glass of wine or three:)

I’m back at Zumba and I really love it!  It’s danc-y, the music is latin and loud and nobody looks great doing it except those beautifully bronzed instructors in the videos.

But…the more I go, the more I shake my booty, the better I feel – booty and all!  It seems the secret to my success is to keep it fun, mix it up and turn up the music.  Anyone care to join me?

(we don’t look like this…)
