Friday, August 26, 2011

by Nov 6, 2010Blog

Happy Sunny Days to You!

I’m happily curled up in my sunny spot looking at the blue sky outside. 
After I finish this note to you, I’m going to go jump in the ocean for a
refreshing swim and then meet some friends for a pasta dinner.
(I’m having a rare day off:)
How’s your summer going?  
It certainly took its time getting here but then came on so sweetly. I feel like I got a free pass
from gardening and anything too yard specific this year as every sunny moment that I wasn’t
in the store had to be savoured, which for me means beach or patio time.
Settling in to one space (with such a fantastic view) has been great and seeing lots of familiar
faces from the city warmed my heart!  I’m so glad to be an excuse for a coastal getaway!

So… I don’t want to ruin the mood by talking about fall but I’m soooo excited to tell you
about all the new products filling the Bodacious racks!

You will definitely be wowed by the new fall bounty!
Here are some pix to pique your interest. (I will post curvier shots on facebook asap!)
I’ve been putting pix on facebook pretty regularly so if you want to stay super current, meet me there.

khloe tunic-echoraintia ruffle echorain skirt and top-echorain
SWAK - pink cardiSWAK-black tunic
and so much more…
carwash tunicfunflirtydressdenim tunic
New Chalet is also on its way!
This line has totally resonated with you all and I’m happy to report I’ve had to re-order twice already!

(and…ummm…I had to put a few more things on SALE to make room for new additions – just sayin’) 

And one more thing…
At a networking group I recently attended, I won some time with a local graphic artist (Ivy Young of Inkling Arts)
so I thought it was time to freshen up my look.  Hope you like it.  Here’s my new biz card!  I LOVE it!

Business Card Front

Business Card Back
