Happy April! I got that in on the very last day:)
As you may have heard, I turned 50 this month and I challenged myself to do a 100 kilometre Camino walk in Spain. I did it!!! I reached Santiago de Compostela on the day after my birthday! What a feeling that was as you can see from the happy/teary look on my face. Thankfully I had my best friend and supporter, George, by my side. We had several days after arriving in Santiago to relax and enjoy the sights and partake in the delicious food and wine;)
My plan for the rest of the year and hopefully the rest of my life, is to do something fun/unique/challenging every month (at the very least). For me this will include jewelry classes, days with friends, dancing!, and challenging myself to new adventures. I wasn’t afraid of 50 as I believe that every year is worth celebrating but the physical challenge definitely scared me. I’m so happy and proud to tick this off my list.
What I also learned in my travels is how much I love coming home to Vancouver and how much I love Bodacious and what we do. I saw many beautiful boutiques in Santiago and in Madrid but none that catered to the curvy ladies. I’m happy to come home to shop in my own store again! If you’re interested in seeing more about my trip, you can always check out my personal facebook page (Lorna Ketler) for more pix.
The day before I left, we did an awesome photo shoot with the beautiful Jihan, right here at Granville Island. There will be many pix coming out of that day but thought I’d give you a sneak peak of some behind the scenes. In each pic, Jihan is rocking size 16 Joseph Ribkoff pieces. Photographer is my talented and lovely friend from the Sunshine Coast, Linsey Hulls www.linseyhulls.com
The linens are in! The linens are in! For those of you who’ve been patiently waiting for the Chalet linens, they’re HERE! Best so far! (all styles also featuring Lotusland Jewelry)
There is also a rayon blend from Chalet this season which is equally awesome. Super light and flow-y. Great for travel!
And there’s this new handbag line…
and some more Ribkoff…
and new Sympli and a new line called Aller Simplement that we haven’t even got out of the box yet!!! Oh my, this season is going to ROCK!
Phew! Hope to see you soon!