It’s Summer at Bodacious!!!

by Jun 23, 2014Uncategorized

First things first…There is a new law coming into effect that states that I have to have you all opt-in to receive my newsletters.  I will be sending a separate, easy to respond to note about this.  Please, please, please respond to that request to continue to receive my updates.  I’m always respectful and do not overwhelm you with info and spam.  I’d love for you to stay in touch with me.

Well, June almost snuck right by me but I caught it just in time.  It’s been a fun month at Bodacious with tourists and locals galore enjoying our fashions and all the other great events and shops at Granville Island.10360243_736890079686724_5200744832622708920_n

We’ve had our second delivery of the Citron silks and they are so stunningly beautiful!  Trying to decide which one/ones belong in my closet.  We now have the full size range from medium up to 3x so please come check these beauties out.
citron silk blouse citron silk kimono jacket

Susan Bibbings of Lotusland Imports has just returned from her trip to Kilimanjaro, Africa with their newest jewelry designs.  Such a great project and such fun jewelry to wear!
lotusland imports
Joseph Ribkoff items keep arriving weekly and are happily flying out the door!  Keep posted on facebook for the most recent deliveries.

ribkoff dressribkoff dress lorna
and if you’re not ready to brave the sleeveless dress quite yet, we have this fantastic option for you!
shadow sleeves ribkoff

Alchemy silks are also in.  On our second re-order!
alchemy silksAnd we’ve brought back the Oka B sandals for summer!  Super cute, non-porous, recycled, recyclable…
okab sandals

Highlights of June for me?
~ Visiting some dear friends in Ontario
~ kayaking in False Creek
~ smelling the wild roses on my walk to work
~ Michale Buble!!! concert
~ sitting on the back deck in the sunshine!

What are your highlights so far?  I’d love to hear from you via email or share on facebook.

Do you have a birthday in June or July?  Let us know for 10% off your purchase during those months!
