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Springtime at Bodacious!

Happy April!  I got that in on the very last day:) As you may have heard, I turned 50 this month and I challenged myself to do a 100 kilometre Camino walk in Spain.  I did it!!! I reached Santiago de Compostela on the day after my birthday! What a feeling that was as...

Int’l Women’s Day 2013

I was just reflecting on all the amazing, talented and inspirational women I’ve met over the years. From my grandma at 94 years old who inspires me every day with her love of life, appreciating each moment and in these later years, knowing it’s ok to ask...

Hooked on a feeling!

When a I posted this picture on facebook the other day, I received a comment about how it was too boxy and shapeless and didn’t flatter my shape. (I should’ve pushed up the sleeves:)  My hasty reaction was to delete, delete, delete.  Not because I...

Crisp Chalet Linens at Bodacious! and…a whole lot MORE!

Welcome to June!  Luckily I fit some gardening in on the past couple of weekends so now the rain can take care of the watering. These past few months have personally been filled with some sad losses and some happy surprises.  The biggest lesson is that we can only be...